Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Practice of Being Grounded

Sermon for March 17, 2019 

This week, our spiritual practice is being grounded. Now there are a lot of ways to interpret this, and a lot of definitions for being grounded. But for today, for the purposes of this practice, being grounded means being in touch with and connected to your surroundings and standing on firm footing. It involves noticing the world around you in the moment you are in. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Practice of Getting Lost

Sermon for March 10, 2019 

This year as we journey through Lent, I want to look at different spiritual practices we can develop in our everyday lives. While most people would like to deepen their faith, growing closer to God, they don’t usually know where to start.  Beyond prayer, most people have no idea what spiritual practices might be.

I want to talk about practices that are part of our daily living. The whole reason for a spiritual practice is to remind ourselves of our connection to God and to deepen that relationship. Making these practices things that we can do every day and not just for special occasions, brings God into our everyday lives as well.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Leaving the Mountain

Sermon for March 3, 2019 

Our scene for Transfiguration Sunday is one of the more dramatic scenes in the gospels. IT is the scene that confirms for the disciples watching that Jesus is more than just the best rabbi they have ever met. More than a prophet. Jesus really is  the Son of God. The very Presence of God in Divine Form. Glorious. A dazzling shining light. 

Fredrick Buechner describes it like this: " It is as strange a scene as there is in the Gospels. Even without the voice from the cloud to explain it, they had no doubt what they were witnessing. It was Jesus of Nazareth all right, the man they'd tramped many a dusty mile with, whose mother and brothers they knew, the one they'd seen as hungry, tired, and footsore as the rest of them. But it was also the Messiah, the Christ, in his glory. It was the holiness of the man shining through his humanness, his face so afire with it they were almost blinded."