Sunday, January 3, 2016

History and Heritage

We can’t know where we are going until we know where we have been.  The first task of an Interim time is to look at our heritage, and also to deepen our connections to one another and to God.

There are a number of small group opportunities coming up, to talk about the history of this church, YOUR history with it, and where you feel God is calling us next.

  • Sunday, January 3
    9:45am at the Adult Sunday School (meets in the Allen Room)
  • Wednesday, January 13
    6:00 pm at our first Soup & Study (meets in the Fellowship Hall)
  • Friday, January 22
    10:00 am with coffee and conversation (meets in the Fellowship Hall)

If you are able to attend one of these times, please call the church office to let us know. I welcome other times and conversation. Please let me know if none of these times are convenient.

Pastor Nancy